Newsletter - February 2024



Hello Newcomers!  Well, the first month of the new year has already come and gone. Boy, did January see some cold temperatures. Part of being a Newcomer is having people you can call on when you need help. We have a lot of people in the club, and with that comes knowledge.  Please do not be afraid to call and ask for help or information. Also, in the different groups you are in, notice if someone has not been coming. A kind word can go a long way in letting people know they are cared about.

We went to see Joyce Hultgren at her art Open House.  There were plenty of Newcomers there to help her celebrate.  What a great artist she is. If you have not had a chance to see her work, check out her Facebook page. Her art will be displayed at the Farmington Public Library from now until March 15th. Tell them Steve Burk sent you, and get a look of confusion!

I would like to thank everyone who brought refreshments last month on short notice.  We had plenty to snack on.

I would also like to say what a great idea the Share Table is that Debra Stendel started. A lot of her items were picked up by the end of the meeting.  If you have books or things that others would enjoy, please bring them to our next meeting.

And on a final note, there are only 322 days till Christmas!

Stephen Burk



Activities, News, and Announcements


February Coffee Meeting - Please join us on Monday, February 12th, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church. 

Social time and refreshments begin at 9:30.


Share TableWe will have a table set up at the Coffee Meetings where you may bring items like books, puzzles, magazines, or any items you think others might like.


Social Committee The current Social Committee is proud to announce our final event before we pass the baton to the new committee.  We will be moving and grooving on April 15th, at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.  If you want to be among the first to know all the details, attend our Coffee Meeting on February 12th when we will begin accepting RSVP’s and payment of $12 per member.  



Wine-Down Friday – Jolene Ahrendsen and Gayle Howard

The next Wine-Down will be Friday, February 9th at the home of Carrie and Chris Wolf.    More details will be in the Wine-Down email.


Bridge – Judy Sabag

We are now playing bridge every Friday at 10:00am at the Fayetteville Public Library. We usually finish by noon or 12:15. It is a great group of friendly gals sharing plenty of smiles and lots of laughter. We would love to have you join us. If you are interested, either sign up at a Coffee Meeting, or call or text me at 712-253-3005. Hope to see you there!  


CEO Service Project - Jann Gorman

Thank you to everyone who attended the January Coffee Meeting and brought items to help stock the food pantry at CEO.  Your donations of laundry detergent, rice, jelly, and canned fruit filled a big gap in their food pantry.


NewsletterPlease email information or photos for the newsletter to by the 25th of each month.




February Birthdays

1 Debra Stendel

1 Caren Lyne

4 Linda Belue

5 Laurie Clayton

14 Carole Jackson

14 Eliza Wood

17 Nancy Mock

20 Kim Bennett

21 Georgia Novotny

24 Barb Johnson

26 John Taylor

28 Bette Hendrix


Club Photos


The Pink Flamingos Lunch Bunch enjoyed a lovely lunch at the Olive Garden on January 18th.



Peggy Moriarity