Newsletter - September 2020


SEPTEMBER 2020 Newsletter

There’s nothing like cracking open a fresh box of crayons to bring back memories of the first day of school. For me, it was always the day after Labor Day. The Jerry Lewis Telethon was the signal that Summer was over and school was starting. Fresh supplies were loaded into my book bag and a shiny new lunch box stood ready. These were always made of metal, included a thermos, and depicted the latest trend like the Peanuts or Strawberry Shortcake. First day outfits were carefully chosen and were usually completely unsuitable for the not-quite fall weather. Long sleeved shirts and corduroy pants got a tad bit uncomfortable in the warm afternoons, but hey, gotta wear the new stuff, right?

Those first few days back at school were a flurry of seating assignments and passing out textbooks (get those covered quickly or you’ll be in trouble), sizing up the new kids, and the new teachers. Old friendships were re-established and new ones were made. Playground groups formed – usually clearly divided by sex. Boys had cooties and didn’t want to play jump rope anyway. Sometimes, though, that divide was crossed if there was a really good marble game to be had. We all played on the (gasp) jungle gym, monkey bars, swing sets, teeter totters and slides. I guess you can tell what part of school I liked the best – RECESS!!!

As I think back on those times, I am troubled by the possibility that COVID will prevent today’s kids from creating such memories. Will they get to play tag or jump rope or use the playground equipment at recess? Will they get to play with each other at all? I am so very thankful that I don’t have any young children in the school system right now. I would hate to have to be making the decisions that so many parents are having to make about sending their children to school or keeping them at home. It seems like there is no right answer. There is no one-size-fits-all response. I can only hope that this too shall pass and we’ll all get back to doing things the way we used to. I don’t want any new normal, I want the old normal and I want it NOW!

Until we can meet again – open up a box of crayons, take a big sniff, and enjoy a trip down memory lane. Meet you on the playground!

(Not it!) … Sue


News and Updates

Activity – Take a Hike – Jacqueline King

September brings back walking together.  We will follow last year's calendar and begin at 7:45 on Friday, September 4, meeting in the castle parking lot of Wilson Park, off of W. Prospect.

There are some modifications for health reasons.  We'll have "coffee" fellowship in the parking lot.  Pack your chairs and coffee and get ready for lots of conversations...6 ft. apart. Also, when we walk, we will wear masks and walk in twos, changing our partners each week.

I will send out a notice prior to each month to the hikers.  Remember this is a Newcomer activity, so please send your $20 dues to

Mona Jones

3011 N. Sheryl

Fayetteville, AR 72703

After this month the updated hiking schedule will be on our webpage under Activities – Take a Hike.   Be sure to click on Take a Hike to get the page to open - Jann

Membership – Mona Jones   

Last week I received a phone call concerning joining Newcomers from Gwen.  We had a great conversation and she was SO excited about Fayetteville Newcomers.  I was already picturing her heading some committee and attending many of our activities and meetings once we reopen.  I asked her to complete the form online and send me a check which she said she would do promptly.  We parted the best of friends!  About 30 minutes later she texted me and asked if Newcomers was in Arkansas or Georgia???  We were both disappointed she was in Georgia.  She said she would continue her search for a Newcomers group as cool as ours – I did not have the heart to tell her it was not possible!

If you have not renewed your 2020-2021 membership, please send your check ASAP.

I look forward to seeing both new and long-time members soon.

Mona Jones

3011 N. Sheryl Avenue

Fayetteville AR 72703


Service Project – Magdalene Serenity House – Paulette Lilly/Mary Cay:

Please consider mailing monetary gifts, gift cards or Uber cards to them during this social distancing time. Those who wish to participate can mail to:

April Bachrodt, Executive Director

Magdelene Serenity House

P. O. Box 3394

Fayetteville, AR. 72702

Please include that your gift is from the Fayetteville Newcomers Club. Thank you and stay safe.

Sunshine Report – Jill Trolinger:

Remember to contact Jill with any news regarding one of our members to help us stay informed since we are unable to physically get together.

Newsletter Updates -Jann Gorman – Chair - Please email all newsletter updates to Jann Gorman,, for the next newsletter by the 20th of the month.  Thank you.

It’s a great day to be a Newcomer!

Peggy Moriarity