Newsletter - April 2020
APRIL 2020 Newsletter
April Showers Bring May Flowers???
I’ve decided that must be a New England saying. We need a new one for Arkansas since our rainy time and flowering time is earlier…how about March storms bring pollen and worms or some such? Seriously, I’m about to go out and buy one of those sun lamps they use in Alaska during their season of darkness. I’m glad I don’t have any little ones stuck at home right now.
I hope everyone is staying safe and following all the social distancing rules. The Board has been communicating via email to try to stay on top of things. Here’s the skinny: Hang on and ride the wave. We don’t know when this will be over. We do know, however, that we WILL have our BINGO luncheon at some point so keep sending in those reservations. Most likely we won’t be meeting in May, but you never know. A definite decision will be made mid-April.
Voting for the Bylaws and Board membership will have to wait until we can meet again. No big deal. We’ll continue in our holding pattern as long as necessary. One of the new provisions of the proposed Bylaws is a change in the collection of membership dues to coordinate with our Fiscal Year which ends May 31st. In the past, members would be considered in good standing if dues were paid by the 3rd Monday in September. That creates bookkeeping issues for both the Treasurer and the Membership VP. The proposed Bylaws will move the deadline to May 31st. Obviously, we can’t enforce that provision this year with all this virus business going on, but I hope that we will be able to collect dues in a timely manner once the crisis has passed.
On a lighter note, I’ve been trying to support local stores by doing some early Christmas shopping. I ordered some items from a store on Emma and they personally dropped it off at my house the same day! Awesome! Many local stores are doing the same thing. Check them out on Facebook. Consider ordering takeout from local restaurants as well. If you need some entertainment, there are lots of big name performers broadcasting mini concerts from their homes, zoos are streaming live, and it’s amazing to see the people of Italy throwing parties from their balconies. I watched Jimmy Fallon broadcasting from his home, and I’ve decided my next house must have an adult sized indoor slide! What fun!
Whatever you choose to do over the next few weeks, stay safe!
- Sue
News and Updates
We must get volunteers for the following activity in order for it to continue after May. If you are an activity attendee, please consider being a Chair, or Co-Chair it with one of your Newcomer friends. Contact the current Chairperson to find out more details.
Pink Flamingo Lunch Bunch - Carlon Cagle – Third Saturday of the month year-round. 11:30.a.m.
Think about a charity for Newcomers to support as next years’ Service Project. You, as Service Project Chair, will be the liaison between the club and that charity. The Board will need your proposal in writing by 4/27. Your organization will present to the Board at our final meeting on 5/18.
Membership – Mona Jones Welcome to the New Members who joined in March 2020 which brings our paid memberships to 227. We look forward to seeing you at our Monthly Coffees or one of the many activities we offer though not right now.
In a “normal” year we would start collecting dues at the April meeting. Unlike many things in life, dues will remain the same for 2020-2021 – only $20! If you are just sitting around contemplating cutting your hair or cleaning the closet for the 3rd time, decide instead to send your FNC dues to:
Mona Jones
3011 N. Sheryl Avenue
Fayetteville AR 72703
The walk to the mailbox will do you good 😊 stay safe!
New Members/Guests will now have a “First Coffee” sticker to help us to identify them. Please make them feel welcome and introduce yourself to them!
Service Project – Magdalene Serenity House – Paulette Lilly/Mary Cay:
Since we are cancelling the April meeting, we would like to make a request for MSH. For April and possibly May, please consider mailing monetary gifts, gift cards or Uber cards to Magdelene Serenity House.
Those who wish to participate can mail to:
April Bachrodt, Executive Director
Magdelene Serenity House
P. O. Box 3394
Fayetteville, AR. 72702
Please include that your gift is from the Fayetteville Newcomers Club. Thank you and stay safe.
Sunshine Report – Jill Trolinger:
Get well cards were sent to:
Cheryl Melville’s husband, Hal
Mona Jones’ husband, To
Donations have been sent in memory of Eleanor Roberts
Newsletter Updates -Jann Gorman – Chair - Please email all newsletter updates to Jann Gorman,, for the next newsletter by the 20th of the month. Thank you
It’s a great day to be a Newcomer!