Newsletters - June

 President’s Letter June 2019

 Hello once more,

I’m pleased to make these last two announcements before I go: The Board has chosen Magdalene Serenity House as next years’ Service Project.  Magdalene Serenity House is a healing sanctuary serving women who have experienced trauma, sexual exploitation, addiction, and incarceration by providing opportunities for community, and paths to flourish.  We will post more in the coming weeks on ways that Newcomers can participate in their mission.

Second, the winner of our FNC Directory cover artwork contest is Carleen Ringgenberg, with her beautiful photo of a cardinal.  Thanks also to Jeannie Eubanks and Scott Collins for their photo submissions and participation.

I’m sure I speak for all of you in offering our vast appreciation to the Board and committee members for the 2018-2019 year.  Many of the outgoing members have served us ably and with unwavering commitment for several years.  They are: Tracie Karr, Peggy Hallinan ,  Mona Calvert, Carleen Ringgenberg, Kitty Sanders, Hadley Twilley, Joyce Hultgren and  Trisha Beland.

Also outgoing is Lavania Fritts, our Social Chair.  Many thanks to her and her fellow committee members Laurie Clayton, Paulette Lilly, Kathy Whisenant, Debbie Dabney, Mary Skelton. 

Much appreciation also goes to several committee members who quietly but helpfully continue to support us at coffee meetings (most of whom will continue to do so):   Essie Anderson, Leslie Taylor, Cathy Rigby, Carmen Quick, Maddie Price and Bette Hendrix.  

We continue to have great Activity Chairs.  Thank you to:  Sue Schroeder, Bette Hendrix, Kathy Whisenant, Cathy Rigby, Jill Trolinger, Debra Stendel, Barbara Lee, Linda Cudney, Sibylle Barton, Jeanne Thyfault, Go Strealy, Barbara Wilson, Mary Skelton, Susan Shelton, Carlon Cagle, Jann Gorman, Carleen Ringgenberg, Barbara Carson, and Mona Jones.  Our thanks and farewells to Brenda Hancock and Pene Musial.

The new Board slate (which has several continuing members) for 2019-2020 is as follows:

President – Sue Schroeder

VP - Programs – Debbie Dabney

VP – Membership – Mona Jones

Recording Secretary – Laurie Clayton

Corresponding Secretary – Jill Trolinger

Treasurer – Jeannie Eubanks

Activities Chair – Janet Taylor

Newsletter – Jann Gorman

Web site Coordinator/Publicity – Kathy Whisenant

Hospitality – Carmen Quick

Refreshments – Essie Anderson

Service Project Liaisons – Mary Cay Crow and Paulette Lilly

Past President/Directory – Tina Torres

Vacant: - Social Chair

Yay Newcomers Club!  It’s lovely to know you.

Tina Torres


 P.S.  Did you know our new president pronounces her last name as “SHRAY-der”? [But says she’ll answer to anything J]

 GENERAL MEETING  - September 9, our speaker will be from Magdalene Serenity House


Membership --  Peggy Hallinan ;  830.822.6876;

 The 2018-2019 Fayetteville Newcomer year officially ended with 202 paid members. 

Remarkable!  Everyone deserves a shout out for making this such a successful year. And we are starting off the 2019-2020 year with a bang as well.  Since my last newsletter, six new members have joined.  Please welcome the following:

 Paula Fieser (Steve) – 595 N. Rockcliff Rd., Fayetteville, AR 72701   cell: 713.449.5323

 Sally S. Jones (James) – 2189 N. Libby Lane, Fayetteville, AR 72703 cell: 501.452.0245 

 DeDe Lux (Bill) – 29 W. Louise St., Fayetteville, AR 72701   cell: 479.285.4529 

 Marian Maynard – 1120 Huntleigh Dr., Bentonville, AR 72712   cell: 214.403.8382 

 Shelley Steele (Porter Winston) – 946 Lakeside Dr., Fayetteville, AR 72701   hm: 479.442.9106   cell: 479.409.5642 

 Linda Yaple (Chuck) - 2742 N. Sheryl Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72703   cell: 713.816.8088

 Be sure to add these members to the space provided in your directories for such a purpose.

 There are no changes of status to note this month.    

Membership is now taking dues payments for the 2019-2020 Fayetteville Newcomers

Year.  As your new Membership Chair, please send your payments to Mona Jones at 3011 N. Sheryl Ave., Fayetteville, AR 72703.  Dues remain at $20 for a year of fun activities, social gatherings, interesting presentations, and wonderful friendships.  If writing a check, please make it out to Fayetteville Newcomers.

 It has been a pleasure serving as your Membership Chair these last 3 years!  I look forward to seeing everyone next year, just as a plain member!  

 Sunshine – Jill Trollinger   918.914.9930;

 Get Well - Cindy Baldridge

Sympathy - Deb Stendel

 Treasurer’s Report – See website

Activity Liaison – Mona Jones - 479.366.3948;;

 This is my last Fayetteville Newcomers’ Club Activity Liaison Newsletter EVER!  June the 1st I officially hand over the Activity Liaison box – given to me 2 years ago by Linda Cudney – to Janet Taylor.  I LOVED THIS JOB!  I HAD THE BEST ACTIVITY CHAIRS EVER – I know Tina listed them in her President’s Letter – Thank you for so much for being organized and making every member feel welcome.  Also, thank you FNC members who regularly attended and supported the activities by offering your homes, telling and bringing your friends and supporting each other.  I leave Activities in Janet’s hands knowing there could be no better person for this job.  I know she will have all of our support as she takes over this position.  

Thank you to all the Board Members and especially Kitty Sanders for always having the patience of Job with me!  And Kathy Whisenant who has helped me with all my computer and design issues.  If anything, I did looked good it’s because of Kathy!  And, finally, Tina, I’ve enjoyed and learned from you this year.  Thanks for being our President.

So, back to business – most activities will continue through the Summer including Wind Down Friday but check your Activity page in the website.  Watch for Mah Jongg training next October.  And since I’m moving to Membership – if you haven’t paid your dues, send me your money 😊

Have a great Summer and see you soon!

Book Club – Sue Schroeder - 479.236.1286;

                      or   Kathy Lindley - 210.355.0952;  

 Location:  Book Club will be meeting at the Good Shepherd Lutheran 

                 Church while the Fayetteville Public Library is under construction.  

Date:        Last Wednesday of every month

Time:       10:00 am

 We discuss the book for about an hour – yes, we really do discuss the book! – and then those who wish go to lunch after the meeting.  All Newcomer members are welcome in the Book Club. Please join us.


2019-2020 Newcomers Book Club Calendar

 2019-20 Newcomers Book Club Calendar

 June 26

Educated by Tara Westover

 Presenter:  Kathy Lindley

July 31

Destiny of the Republic by Candice Millard  

Presenter:  Margo Clark

August 28

The Year of Living Danishly by Helen Russell    

Presenter: Marian Beightol

September 25

I Have the Right To: A High School Survivor's Story of Sexual

Assault, Justice, and Hope by Chessy Prout & Jenn Abelson  

Presenter:  Trisha Beland

October 30

An Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff & Alex Tresniowski  

Presenter:  Cynthia Seideman

November 27

Born a Crime by Trevor Noah  

Presenter: Carla Clayton


Christmas potluck brunch on date to be determined

January 29

Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier  

Presenter: Mona Jones

February 26

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty  

Presenter:  Peggy Hallinan

March 25

choose next year’s books  

April 29

Where The Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens  

Presenter:  Alice Cunningham

May 27

Bitter Orange by Claire Fuller  

Presenter:  Margo Clark  


Afternoon Bunco - Kathy E Whisenant  - 225.773.0171;

Cathy Rigby – C. 214.809.3051 H. 479.267.6385;

Jill Trolinger, - 918.914.9930; 

Location:  Outback

Date:        Last Monday of each month throughout the year with the exception of a                 holiday.

Time:        1:00 – 3:00 pm 

                 (OPTIONAL:  Lunch at noon. If planning to eat lunch, please arrive at                     12:00 pm.)    

 Bunco is a fun and easy game to play.  Members Bring: $5.00 in small bills each month. Remind Outback that you are with the Newcomers Club.  Email Kathy to let her know if you will attend and whether or not you’ll be having lunch.

 Evening Bunco – Debra Stendel - 586.556.9784 or

 Location: Varies monthly, members host

Date:       Last Tuesday of the month, holidays excepted (No Bunco in December) Time:       6:00 pm

 Ladies...Please try to join us for Evening Bunco~!  I could not believe how easy this game was to learn and how much fun it is~!  The fun of the game is only rivaled by the "happy hour" we have beforehand.  There are some pretty talented cooks in our group who are always willing to share their appetizer recipes.  A little vino gets us relaxed and ready to chase Lady Luck around the table :-) The cost is $5.50 (small bills, please). 

Each month someone takes a turn at being hostess.  Sure, hope you can join us~! If you have any questions, you can contact Debra.

 Canasta - Barbara Lee - 479.935.3195;

 Location: Apple Blossom Brewing Company, 1550 E. Zion Road #

                Fayetteville, AR 72703

Date:       Fourth Tuesday of each month

Time:      11:30 pm - 3:00 pm

 We can teach new players - not hard and lots of fun. Sign up at general meeting or contact Barbara Lee for more information.  Canasta meets every month of the year except in November or December due to the holidays.  

Dinner Club – Linda Cudney - 479.586.0404;        

                        Jeanne Thyfault - 479.445.6472;      

                        Sibylle Barton  

Location:         Coyle’s Family Restaurant, 661 E. Douglas, Prairie Grove

Date:               Thursday, July 11th, Second Thursday

Reservations:  By noon on Monday, July 8th

Time:               6:30 p.m., New Time

 Location:          To Be Announced, Watch for Email

Date:               Thursday, August 1st

Reservations:  By noon on Monday, July 29th

Time:               6:30 p.m., New Time  

Welcome to Dinner Club! 

Dinner club welcomes individual members or couples. We are looking forward to another year of experiencing local fine dining with established and new friends. Dinner club meets at 6:00 p.m. on the first Thursday of each month September through May.

Due to high demand, this year the Dinner Club will also meet in July and August. 

Reservations for Dinner Club should be made by noon on the Monday before the event. You can make reservations by contacting Linda Cudney. Please email Linda if you would like to be added to the email distribution list.

 Double Deck Pinochle - Jann Gorman, H.  479.935.9696; C.  512.965.1511;

 Location: To be determined      

Date:       First Saturday of the month September through May

Time:       6:30 pm - 10:00 pm 

 Double Deck Pinochle – We will be changing up the game for the 2019-2020 year.  We will now meet on the 3rd Monday afternoon of the month. The 1st date will be 9/16/19. The location might be at a restaurant.  I will be researching over the summer. Beginners are welcome if we have enough people to play who are familiar with the game.  We need enough for 4 players at each table.

 Bring $5/person for prize money.  

Knit-Wits &– Go Strealy 917.596.2682;;   

 Location:  Nightbird Books, 205 Dickson St., Fayetteville

Date:        Every Wednesday

Time:        1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

 We’re not just knitters.  In fact, most of us are NOT knitters.  We’re the witty part of the group!  Bring any kind of needlework, beading, quilting to Nightbird Books and enjoy the conversation and company while keeping your hands busy.  There is no charge for using the facility; however, there is a cafe in the bookstore.  You may bring your own water, but please patronize the cafe for anything else you might want to eat or drink to show our appreciation for their generous hospitality.   

Pink Flamingos Lunch Bunch - Carlon Cagle – 479.799.6840;

 Location:  To be determined

Date:        The third Saturday of each month 

Time:        11:30 am

 Group members will select local restaurants to enjoy local cuisine, relax, and have fun visiting together. Call Carlon for further details. 

 Mah Jong - Barbara Wilson; 479.387.4448;

                     Mary Skelton; 479.502.5493;

 Location:  Rolling Hills Baptist Church

Date:        Every Tuesday

Time:        1:00 pm – 3:00 pm  

The price of admission is $1.00 which goes to the church to pay them for use of the space.  Please park around the back of the church and come in the rear door.  All are welcome who can now play Mah Jong. If you don’t know how to play we have a beginners class in the spring and the fall. 

 Party Bridge - Bette Hendrix - 479.968.4689 

  Location:  Rolling Hills Baptist Church.

Date:        First and third Fridays, September through May (excepting September 1)

Time:       10:00 am – 1:00 pm

 Sign up at Newcomers or call Bette if you are interested.  We are a group of intermediate players and we can laugh at our mistakes.  So, we do not teach bridge.  Thank goodness.

 Random Excursions – Jann Gorman – 479.935.9696;

 Date: Varies, September – September

 Location:  Points of interest in Fayetteville and surrounding communities

 Members need to sign up on the Random Excursion list at the monthly coffee meeting or contact Jann Gorman directly. I will send an email to everyone who has signed up, whenever I set up an excursion and anyone interested can reply to sign up.

 There will be two excursions this summer. If you have never signed up for an excursion, send me your email and a phone number.  An email with dates will be sent to everyone on my distribution list.

 1)  Backstage tour of Walton Arts Center

2)  Trip to Grove, Oklahoma to visit Har-Ber Village Museum. There are also trails to walk and a cafe for lunch.  I will probably need a couple of people to drive members depending on the response.  

O.W.L.S. - Oh, We Love To Sing!  - Susan Shelton -

 Location:  Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Gathering Room

Date:        First and Third Thursdays (scheduled date)  

Time:       1:30-3:00 pm  

This group is for people who like to sing just for fun.  We're a completely non-judgmental group.  Everyone is welcome!  We especially welcome those who have FOREVER been told they cannot sing. Come sing your heart out with us! 

 Participants bring song suggestions, a device to look up lyrics, and something to whet your whistle.  

 Take-a-Hike - Carleen Ringgenberg  - 479.927.1134;  Barb Carson - 479.841.3273    

 Location:  Varies

Date:        Every Friday

Time:       7:45 am  

Our Take-A-Hike group walks every Friday beginning promptly at 7:45 a.m.  We walk a new trail every month.  In June we will walk Scull Creek Trail. Park/Meet at Stone Mill Bakery (Gregg Ave) & park behind the Railroad Caboose. Walking begins promptly at 7:45 am every Friday.  Coffee Fellowship will be at Stone Mill.

 Wind-Down Fridays – Mona Jones, 479.366.3948,

 Date:           Friday, June 8 or the Second Friday of each month, except December

Time:           6:30 pm

June Hosts:  Denise May and Curtis Hendricks

Where:  2388 E Polk Drive, Fayetteville AR 72703  

June Wind-Down Friday will be at Denise May and Curtis Hendricks’ home – address is above.  Denise’s cell is 479.387.5767.  Wind-Down Friday will continue through the Summer!

 Bring your favorite beverage, glass(es) for you and your guests, and an appetizer to share.  Spouse, significant other, friends, etc - all are welcome and do not need to be a FNC Member.  If this is your first time, know that you are welcome.  Come when you can, leave when you must - just join us for another fun Wind-Down Friday!  

Board Meeting

 The next Board Meeting is August 26 (location to be determined).

 Next newsletter deadline is August 20, 5:00 pm.  Please send to Jann Gorman at


Peggy Moriarity